Monday, December 3, 2007

Work place of the future - cube less office

Can you imagine working on a cube-less floor? Its not just cube-less floor, but no assigned seat. Just like in college, anybody can sit anywhere in the office. Can you think of working in that kind of environment?

But, many silicon valley companies including Cisco, Sun and Intel are casting aside the cubicle culture to save the money. Also these companies are thinking that "open office" culture improves the interaction and productivity. These companies found and analyzed that 60% of the company's cubes are empty because employees are visiting customers, telecommuting, vacationing or in meetings. Employees on average spend 20% of their work hours telecommuting.

Thank god, this culture didn't come to India yet. Otherwise, our tables will be completely occupied by laptops, water bottles, coffee cups lined up on the floor, wires/cables all over the floor and always there is somebody peeping into your monitor through your shoulder!!!

There are disadvantages of both fully walled rooms (less space efficient, like old US R&D centers) and low walled cubicles (more noise, like in many Indian companies). There should be considerably high walled cubicles which enable interaction and privacy to certain extent.


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